Update on tryouts

Good morning!

We will be moving JH cheerleading tryouts to allow the young women singing in SGES’s choir to have the opportunity to tryout. These are the new dates!
Thursday, March 31st 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, April 1st 6:00-8:00 PM
Monday, April 4th 6 PM
Paperwork will be due March 23rd. They can simply just cross out and write in the new dates and times in their packets.
Please email me if you have any questions!

Tryouts update #1

Good morning, afternoon, evening!

I wanted to update you all on what is happening with junior high cheer tryouts and a correction to the tryout packet.

  1. We will be moving the date of tryouts to avoid conflict with the SGES choir concerts. We are still working on these dates and I will let you all know when we will have tryouts ASAP!
  2. Summer strength is NOT required for junior high cheer (just high school), however, I do suggest participating! You will build strength and endurance for more advanced stunts.

If you have any questions of concerns please email me!


Important dates and camp details!

Here are some upcoming IMPORTANT dates coming up:

June 17th: Practice and food pickup from 3-5 PM please come to pick up food with a cooler. The food is frozen!

June 29th: Practice 10-12 PM

June 30th: CAMP!

Camp Details:

Meet at school @ 8:20 AM

Check in @ 9:00 am (Camp will start immediately after check in.)

Lunch @ 1:00 pm —-we will go to Mr. Goodcent’s, Subway, or another restaurant for lunch. Please send your daughter with around $10 unless you would like to pack her a lunch.

Camp resumes @ 2:15 pm

Camp ends @ 6:00 pm

Meet back @ school around 6:30 PM

*** The girls talked about staying at the Gehrt’s after camp for some team bonding. ***

Drumroll please…

The moment we have all been waiting for…

But first I wanted to thank you all for working your hardest before and during clinics to prepare for tryouts. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to hang out with me and tryout for the squad. You are all wonderful cheerleaders and I am blessed to have gotten to know you all a little more this week.

We will be having a new squad meeting at 4:00 PM in the library at Rock Creek tomorrow, Friday, March 27th.

The 2015-2016 Junior High Cheerleading Squad

Brandy Henry

Katelynn Sherwood

Alli Zvonik

Addie Gehrt

Kara Riffel

Faith Ringering

Grace Fike

Taylor Jepsen

4 days, 1 hour, about 18 minutes

Tryouts are almost here!!!

Just a few reminders:

  • Be ready to start stretching AT 5:30 PM. I suggest getting there at least 5 minutes early to get settled and have any questions you might have answered.
  • Please wear gym attire to tryouts. This includes gym shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt. All must be school appropriate.
  • Bring a water bottle, not a requirement but it will help cut the line to the water fountain.
  • If you do not have all your forms in, get them in!! I have about 6 girls with missing paperwork. I will let you know if you are one of those girls on Monday.
  • Come ready to work hard… and have fun!

If you have any questions, email or text me!!

I am so excited!!